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noun | abbreviation
row [rou] n
gen. ロー gai1; 漕ぐ ichi1; 作条 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
comp., MS (A group of related fields (columns) of information treated as a unit and arranged in a horizontal line in a table or spreadsheet, gyō)
construct. (dan); 並列 (heiretsu); 一列 (いちれつ)
law (法令の表・別表中において、縦の線で区画されている区切りを指す場合; 第2項; row 2, kō) Japanese Law Translation Database System
phys. (gyō)
tech. ロー
n row | n [rou] n
gen. 並び ichi1 news1 nf11; ichi1 news1 nf08 (retsu); 一行 ichi1 news1 nf07
n vs a row | n vs [rou] n
gen. 一列 news2 nf28 (いちれつ)
Rows n
comp., MS (An area in the layout section of a PivotTable field list to which fields can be added in order to display them as rows on the side of the report, gyō)
 English thesaurus
ROW [rau] abbr.
abbr. Rights Of Way; European Registry of Orphan Works (ochernen); Rest of World (tolmatch); run of week
abbr., adv. run-of-week
abbr., auto. right of way row
abbr., avia. Roswell, New Mexico USA; rights of way; rise of water
abbr., el. resonant optical waveguide; rest of world, the rest-of-the world
abbr., IT Rest Of World
abbr., law Record Of Weirdness
abbr., med. Rendu-Osler-Weber (syndrome); Rest Of The World
abbr., mil. Realm Of Warcraft; Rest of the World; ECM "Rest Of the World" Electronic CounterMeasures
abbr., mil., avia. rise-off-water
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Right-Of-Way; right-of-way; rights of way
abbr., oil.proc. rest of the world (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Rest Of the World
abbr., traf. pravo prolaza
abbr., transp. Right of Way
mil. right of way; risk of war
NYSE., st.exch. Rowe Companies
tech. remote operator welder; requisition on warehouse
ROWS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. radar ocean wave spectrometer; register of weather station
abbr., mil., avia. remotely operated weapon station
tech. radiological defense warning system
RoW [rau] abbr.
abbr. the rest of the world (slitely_mad)
abbr., econ. rest of world
Row [rou] n
math., abbr. R
ROW [rau] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. reverse osmosis water
abbr., space rest-of-world