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round trip ['raund'trɪp]
comp., MS ラウンド トリップ (The process of sending, processing and returning a signal, packet, message, etc)
construct. 往復 (おうふく)
n vs round trip | n vs ['raund'trɪp]
gen. 往返; 回遊 news2 nf30; 回游
n round trip | n ['raund'trɪp]
gen. 往き返り
comp. ラウンドトリップ; ラウンド・トリップ
n vs adj-no round trip | n vs adj-no ['raund'trɪp]
gen. 周遊 news2 nf39 spec2
 English thesaurus
round trip ['raund'trɪp]
abbr., insur. round
abbr., oil rd tp
round-trip ['raund'trip]
abbr. roundtrip (ssn)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject