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verb | adjective | to phrases
rebound [ˌriːˈbaʊnd] v
gen. 跳ね返る news2 nf37; はね返る; 戻る ichi1 news2 nf44; 反発 Concrete Terminology Glossary (Gururaj Rao) ; 反跳 (hanchō) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 跳ね返り (はねかえり) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n rebound | n [ˌriːˈbaʊnd] v
gen. 弾み news1 nf10; 勢み news1 nf03; (いきおい); 株価の反発 (of stock prices)
sport. こぼれ球; 零れ球
n vs rebound | n vs [ˌriːˈbaʊnd] v
gen. リバウンド gai1
rebounding adj.
gen. 反発 ichi1 news1 nf02; 反撥
n rebounding | n adj.
gen. 跳ね返り (はねかえり); はね返り (hanekaeri); 撥ね返り
uk rebounding | uk adj.
gen. はねっ返り; 跳ねっ返り
 English thesaurus
rebound [ˌriːˈbaʊnd] v
astrophys. collapse and bounce (MichaelBurov)
med. When a person on antiretroviral therapy ART has persistent, detectable levels of HIV in the blood after a period of undetectable levels. Causes of viral rebound can include drug resistance or poor adherence to an HIV treatment regimen. see also undetectable viral load
REBound [ˌriːˈbaʊnd] v
sport., abbr. REB
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
International Monetary Fund1