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presenter [prɪ'zentə] n
comp., MS 発表者 (A meeting participant who can do all sharing activities, including presenting, showing, sharing, and whiteboard, and admit participants from the lobby)
n presenter | n [prɪ'zentə] n
gen. 演者 news2 nf29; 報告者; 提出者 (ていしゅつしゃ); プレゼンテーター; プレゼンター; 登壇者 (e.g. of a paper)
n vs presenter | n vs [prɪ'zentə] n
gen. 司会 ichi1 news1 nf08
 English thesaurus
presenter [prɪ'zentə] n
cinema A presenter is person often famous or well respected who introduces a movie or show on screen or via voice-over. Some films include a credit "Presented by", or "presents", which indicates the person is an executive producer as opposed to someone who appears in the film.