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praise [preɪz] n
gen. 上げる ichi1 news2 nf42 (あげる); 挙げる ichi1 news1 nf04; 揚げる ichi1 news2 nf29; 褒めそやす; 誉めそやす; 褒め称す; 褒めちぎる (to the skies); 誉めちぎる (to the skies); 褒め称える; 誉め称える; 褒め奉る; 褒め立てる; ほめ立てる; 褒める ichi1 news2 nf39; 誉める; 賞める; 称める; 嗟嘆; 嗟歎; 言い囃す; 言囃す; 賞する; 賛する; 讃する; 嘉する; 善みする
obs. そやす
rel., budd. 讃談 (second of the five gates of mindfulness); 讚談 (second of the five gates of mindfulness); 讚歎 (second of the five gates of mindfulness)
n vs praise | n vs [preɪz] n
gen. 嘉賞; 佳賞; 讃賞; 礼賛 news2 nf36; 礼讃; 賞美; 称美; 称揚; 賞揚; 嘆賞; 嘆称; 歎賞; 歎称; 推称; 推賞 (すいしょう)
n vs adj-no praise | n vs adj-no [preɪz] n
gen. 賛美 ichi1 news2 nf36; 讚美; 讃美; 賞賛 spec1; 称賛 news1 nf23; 賞讃; 称讃; 賞讚; 称讚; 賛嘆; 讃歎; 讃嘆
n praise | n [preɪz] n
gen. 褒辞; news1 nf24; ;
n words of praise | n [preɪz] n
gen. 賞詞; 頌詞
 English thesaurus
PRAISE [preɪz] abbr.
abbr. Parents Raising An Inheritance For Salvation And Eternity; Personal Recognition Award Identifying Service Excellence; Purpose Research Analyze Implement Strategize And Evaluate
abbr., ed. Promote and Recognize Assets In Students Everyday; Protect and Respect Alliances Inspiring Successful Education
abbr., nautic., scient. Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service dor Education
abbr., relig. Power Releasing And Increasing Success Energy
energ.ind. piping reliability analysis including seismic events
Praise [preɪz] n
ed., abbr. P