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comp. 販売時点
 point of sale
gen. POS; 売り場; 売場; 販売時点
| terminal
gen. ターミナル; 終端; 上屋; 上家; 端局

n adj-no point of sale | n adj-no [ˌpɔɪntǝv'seɪl]
gen. 売り場 ichi1 news1 nf06 (うりば); 売場 (うりば)
point of sale [ˌpɔɪntǝv'seɪl]
gen. 販売時点 (はんばいじてん) Business & Marketing Glossary (Adam Rice)
comp., MS 販売時点管理 (The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment)
n point of sale | n [ˌpɔɪntǝv'seɪl]
gen. POS
n Point-Of-Sale | n
comp. 販売時点 (はんばいじてん)
 English thesaurus
Point Of Sale [ˌpɔɪntǝv'seɪl]
abbr., post POS (terminal)
point of sale The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment [ˌpɔɪntǝv'seɪl]
abbr., comp., MS POS (Point of Sale)