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n player | n ['pleɪə] n
gen. プレイヤー spec1; プレーヤ (purēya); プレイヤ; 芸人 news1 nf18; 選手 ichi1 news1 nf01 (in game); 奏者 news1 nf12; 演奏者
Player ['pleɪə] n
gen. プレーヤー (unclass); プレイヤー
n n-suf player | n n-suf ['pleɪə] n
gen. 吹き (e.g. clarinet)
player ['pleɪə] n
comp., MS プレーヤー (A client program or control that receives digital media content streamed from a server or played from local files. Windows Media Player is an example of a player)
n players | n n
pejor. 河原乞食 from unlicensed actors in Edo-period Kyoto acting on the riverbanks near Shijō Bridge
player ['pleɪə] n
pejor. 河原者
n adj-no player | n adj-no ['pleɪə] n
gen. 俳優 ichi1 news1 nf03
suf player | suf ['pleɪə] n
gen. 弾き (of music, instrument, etc.)
 English thesaurus
Player ['pleɪə] n
sport., abbr. P
PLAYER ['pleɪə] abbr.
abbr., el. physical layer controller
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects