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noun | verb | to phrases
n vs plans | n vs n
gen. 段取り ichi1 news1 nf13; 段どり; 予定 ichi1 news1 nf01 (よてい)
n plans | n n
gen. 図面 news1 nf19 (zumen)
plan [plæn] v
gen. コンセプト gai1; 案じる news2 nf40; 按じる; 画する ichi1 news2 nf29; 劃する; 企てる ichi1 news2 nf41; 企む ichi1; 構える ichi1; 考え ichi1 news1 nf01; 考える ichi1 news1 nf10; 勘える; 稽える; 仕組む news2 nf38; 志す ichi1 news2 nf36; 寸法 ichi1 news1 nf22 (sunpō); 目論む; 案ずる; 按ずる; 思う ichi1 news1 nf02 (to do); 想う (to do); 念う (to do); 憶う (to do); 懐う (to do); 惟う 想う has connotations of heart-felt (to do); 仕組み ichi1 news1 nf03; 仕組; 図る ichi1 news1 nf12; 謀る ichi1; 巧む; 画す; 劃す; 絵様 (えよう); 図面作成 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS 計画 (A schedule of task start and finish dates and resource and cost data, けいかく)
construct. 企画 (きかく); プランニング (puran(ningu))
law 立案 (原則, りつあん) Japanese Law Translation Database System
phys. 平面図 (heimenzu)
tech. 計画 (けいかく); 伏地 (ふせじ); 伏地割 (ふせじわり); 伏図 (ふせづ); プラン (puran(ningu))
n plan | n [plæn] v
gen. 一案 news2 nf32; 一計; 一策 news2 nf38; 企て news2 nf33; 企み ichi1 (たくらみ); 機軸 news2 nf37; 思いつき spec1; 思い付き ichi1; 手筈; 手はず; 趣向 news1 nf14; 設計図 (sekkeizu); 方策 news1 nf08; 方針 ichi1 news1 nf01 (ほうしん); news2 nf34; ; 方略; 腹づもり; 腹積もり; 腹積り; 青写真 news1 nf16 (aojashin); 手番; 計画書; プラン gai1 ichi1 (puran(ningu)); 規模 ichi1 news1 nf01 (きぼ)
n vs plan | n vs [plæn] v
gen. 画策 news2 nf40; 劃策; 構想 ichi1 news1 nf02; 考案 news2 nf33 spec2 (こうあん); 設計 ichi1 news1 nf03 (sekkei); 目論見 (もくろみ); 目論み; 目算 news2 nf32 (もくさん); 調略; 発意; 心づもり; 心積もり; 心積り; 方案; 企画 ichi1 news1 nf02 (きかく); 企劃; 企図 news2 nf39 spec2
n n-suf plan | n n-suf [plæn] v
gen. ichi1 (あん); ichi1 news1 nf07; ichi1 news1 nf13
n one's plan | n [plæn] v
gen. 腹案; 愚案; 愚計
hum plan | hum [plæn] v
gen. 愚策
n uk plan | n uk [plæn] v
gen. 積もり ichi1 news2 nf35; 積り (つもり)
n adj-no plan | n adj-no [plæn] v
gen. 計略 (けいりゃく)
one's plan [plæn] v
gen. 手の内 news2 nf25
n plan [plæn] v
gen. 企画書 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
 English thesaurus
PLANS abbr.
abbr. Planning Analysis System
abbr., avia. plastic analysis of nonlinear structures
abbr., el. position location and navigation system
abbr., mil., avia. polar land navigation system
comp. Position Location and Navigation Symposium
mil. polar land navigation system
plan [plæn] abbr.
abbr. planet; planetarium; pln
abbr., securit. employee contribution
PLAN [plæn] abbr.
abbr. Open Plan Systems, Inc.; Partner Leadership Alliance And Network; Position Level Actions Network
abbr., afr. People's Liberation Army of Namibia
abbr., avia. plane stress analysis; program language analyzer
abbr., comp., net. personal local area network
abbr., comp., net., IT Private Local Area Network
abbr., el. personal local area network; program for learning in accordance with needs; public library automation network
abbr., file.ext. Programming Language Nineteen Hundred
abbr., IT Prototypes Location And Associative Networks; Problem Language Analyzer
abbr., mil. People's Liberation Army-Navy (PRC)
abbr., scottish Operational Plan; Parts Logistics Analysis Network; People's Liberation Army / Navy (China)
tech. personal local-area network
Plan [plæn] abbr.
abbr., el. planarization
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects