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piracy ['paɪ(ə)rəsɪ] n
gen. 奪取 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS 不正コピー (Any unauthorized copying, distribution, and use of computer software, or software theft)
n vs adj-no piracy | n vs adj-no ['paɪ(ə)rəsɪ] n
gen. 剽窃; ひょう窃
n piracy | n ['paɪ(ə)rəsɪ] n
comp. 海賊版ソフトウェア
n software, etc. piracy | n ['paɪ(ə)rəsɪ] n
gen. 著作権侵害 (ちょさくけんしんがい)