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adv-to on-mim ping | adv-to on-mim [pɪŋ] v
gen. ビュッ; びゅっ; ビュン; びゅん
n ping | n [pɪŋ] v
comp. ping
Ping [pɪŋ] v
geogr. ピン川 (river)
 English thesaurus
ping [pɪŋ] v
comp., MS Ping (To test whether a computer is connected to the Internet using the ping utility)
PING [pɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. Photo Impact Newbies Graduates; Pinnacle Global Group, Inc.; Packet InterNet Groper (ICMP, TCP/IP)
abbr., el. Prometheus Information Network Group, Inc.
abbr., file.ext. Packet Internet Groper
abbr., inet. Packet Inter Net Groper; Posted In News Group
abbr., IT Packet internet groper; packet Internet grope
abbr., mil. Packet Internet Grouper
abbr., neurol. Pediatric Imaging Neurocognition and Genetics
abbr., sec.sys., IT Peacefully Instituted New Government; Privacy Is Not Guaranteed
abbr., tradem. Princeton Internet Group, Inc.
tech. particles, iodine and noble gases
telecom., abbr. Packet Internet Groper (TCP/IP)