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pier [pɪə] n
gen. 波止場 (はと・ば) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. 埠頭 (ふとう); 岸壁 (ganpeki); 橋脚 (kyōkyaku); ピア (pia)
tech. 積柱 (せきちゅう); ビアー
n pier | n [pɪə] n
gen. 桟橋 ichi1 news1 nf22 (さんばし); 棧橋 oK (さんばし); 埠頭 news2 nf47 (ふとう); ふ頭 (futō); 阜頭 ik; 門柱 news2 nf46 (もんちゅう); ピアー
archit. ピロティ (piroti); 窓間壁
Piers [pɪəz] n
gen. ピアーズ (unclass); ピアズ (unclass)
pier of a foundation [pɪə] n
pwr.lines. 柱体部 基礎の
 English thesaurus
PIER [pɪə] abbr.
abbr. Pier
abbr., el. pressure-induced extra resonance
abbr., file.ext. Procedures for Internet/Enterprise Renumbering
abbr., immunol. Proteolytic Induced Epitope Retrieval (Палачах)
abbr., med. Physicians Information And Education Resource
: 2 phrases in 1 subject