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gen. パート; 一角; 一端; 一半; 一部分; 一役
comp., MS パーツ
gen. 部品; 用品; 部分品
| and
gen. 然して
| components
comp., MS コンポーネント
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation
part [pɑ:t] n
gen. 一端 news1 nf11; 一翼 news1 nf19; ichi1 (fushi); higher than a 課 ichi1; 分ける ichi1 news1 nf05; 別ける; 離す ichi1 news2 nf30; 別れ別れになる; 去り行く; 一部 (いちぶ) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
comp., MS パーツ (An element in a control template that has special, possibly mandatory, significance and semantics in the functioning of the control. For example, a template for a ScrollBar control should supply a Thumb part for the ScrollBar to function correctly, but it need not provide a small decrease or a small increase button, pātsu)
construct. 部品 (buhin); —端 (いったん)
tech. パート
n part | n [pɑ:t] n
gen. パート gai1 ichi1; 一角 news1 nf06; 一半; 一部分 ichi1 news1 nf24; 一役; 幾分 ichi1 news2 nf28; 比重 news1 nf11 (hijū); 部材 (buzai); 部財 ik; 部分 ichi1 news1 nf01 (ぶぶん); 片鱗; 役割 ichi1 news1 nf01 (やくわり); 役割り io; 部局 news1 nf19; 役回り news1 nf24; 部分品 (bubunhin)
n ctr part | n ctr [pɑ:t] n
gen. 箇所 ichi1 (かしょ); 個所 news1 nf13 (かしょ); か所; カ所; ケ所; ヶ所 esp. か所, etc. when a counter
uk part | uk [pɑ:t] n
gen. ichi1; ; also pronounced どころ when a suffix oK
n adj-no part | n adj-no [pɑ:t] n
gen. 局部 news2 nf35 (kyokubu); 部位 news1 nf21 (ぶい)
one's part [pɑ:t] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf12
Part [pɑ:t] n
gen. ペルト (unclass)
law (第1編; Part I, しま) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n n-suf pref part | n n-suf pref [pɑ:t] n
gen. ichi1 (ぶん)
n suf part | n suf [pɑ:t] n
gen. ichi1 (がわ)
n one's part | n [pɑ:t] n
gen. 本分 news2 nf37
n parts | n abbr.
gen. 部品 ichi1 news1 nf03 (buhin); 用品 news1 nf07; 部分品 (bubunhin)
n adj-no parts | n adj-no abbr.
comp. 構成要素 (こうせい・ようそ)
 English thesaurus
part [pɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. partial; participant; participate; participating; particular; partner; partnership
abbr., busin. participator
abbr., med. pars
abbr., med., lat. partis
abbr., mining. p.
abbr., polym. pt
agric. partition
gram. participle
law, abbr. pt.
med. pt (MichaelBurov)
mil., logist. In logistics, an item of an assembly or sub-assembly, which is not normally further broken down. (FRA)
O&G partings (very thin layers of sedimentary rocks)
part. abbr.
abbr. partial; participating; particular; partition; portable
abbr., commer. partner; partnership
abbr., earth.sc. particle
abbr., med. vic in divided doses
gram. participle (collinsdictionary.com ssn)
PART [pɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Planning Of Activities Resources And Technology; Program Assessment Rating Tool (Amanda)
abbr., el. page activity reference table; parametric target system
abbr., mil. Part Analysis And Requirements Tracking
abbr., mil., avia. participate
abbr., transp. Pressure Alignment Rotation And Tread
mil. parts allocation requirements technique
Part. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. parting
abbr., el. particulate density
PARTS abbr.
abbr. Parts Assembly And Reuse Tool Set; Precision Accuracy Relevance Tolerance And Scale; Parts Assembly and Reuse Tool Set (Visual Smalltalk)
abbr., ed., scient. Performing Arts Research And Training Studios
abbr., mil., avia. precision approach radar training system
abbr., progr., IT Programmable And Reconfigurable Tool Set
mil. precision approach radar training system; price analysis and review techniques for spares
parts abbr.
abbr., polym. pts