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to phrases
n particle | n n
gen. 一点 news1 nf10; 質点 (shitten); 微塵 spec1 (みじん); 粒子 news1 nf11 (ryūshi)
ling. 助詞 ichi1 news2 nf45; 助辞
phys. 素粒子 news2 nf26 spec2 (soryūshi)
particle ['pɑ:tɪk(ə)l] n
gen. 不変化詞 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond) ; 小辞 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
comp., MS パーティクル (A very small piece or part; an indivisible object)
construct. 粒子 (ryūshi)
tech. (tsubu); パーティクル
n particles | n n
gen. 天爾遠波; 弖爾乎波; 天爾乎波
 English thesaurus
particle ['pɑ:tɪk(ə)l] n
gram. a function word that must be associated with another word or phrase to impart meaning, i.e., does not have its own lexical definition
particles: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Nuclear physics1