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parasite ['pærəsaɪt] n
gen. 油虫; あぶら虫; 蚜虫 oK; 寄生体 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
tech. 寄生虫 (きせいちゅう)
n parasite | n ['pærəsaɪt] n
gen. 寄生虫 news1 nf21 (きせいちゅう); 厄介者; 穀潰し; 穀つぶし; ごく潰し; 穀潰 io; ゴク潰し; 活物寄生; パラサイト
n adj-no parasite | n adj-no ['pærəsaɪt] n
gen. 寄生生物
n vs parasite | n vs ['pærəsaɪt] n
gen. 寄生 ichi1 news2 nf33 (kisei)
 English thesaurus
parasite ['pærəsaɪt] n
med. Any organism that lives on or in another living organism the host and gets its food from or at the expense of the host. The host does not benefit from the parasite. Many parasites cause disease in humans. People with weakened immune systems, including people with HIV, are at a higher risk for parasitic infections than people with healthy immune systems.