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noun | verb | to phrases
painting ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. 絵かき; 絵描き; 絵書き; 絵描; 丹青
construct. 壁塗り (かべ・ぬり); 彩色 (さいしょく); 塗装 (tosō)
tech. 塗師工事 (ぬしこうじ); ペイント塗 (ペイントぬり)
n painting | n ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. 絵画 ichi1 news1 nf03; 塗り物; 塗物; 色絵 (いろえ); 彩画; 塗工; (ぼうさいこうつうけいかく); ペンキ塗り (houses, fences, etc.); 肉筆画 (as opposed to a woodblock print)
comp. ペインティング
n vs painting | n vs ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. 彩色 news1 nf23 (さいしょく); 染筆; 塗装 news1 nf12 (tosō); 描画; 揮毫 news2 nf37
child. お絵描き; お絵書き; 御絵描き; 御絵書き
Painting ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. ペインティング (unclass)
n n-suf painting | n n-suf ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. news1 nf02
n adj-no painting | n adj-no ['peɪntɪŋ] n
gen. 図画 news2 nf26 (づが)
paint [peɪnt] v
gen. 彩る news1 nf21; 色取る; 書く ichi1; 塗る ichi1 news2 nf27 (ぬる); 描く ichi1; 画く; 色を塗る; 塗料 (toryō) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 彩色する River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. 壁塗り材 (かべ・ぬり・ざい); ペイント (peinto); ペンキ (penki)
tech. ビニル樹脂塗料 (ビニルじゅしとりょう); ビニル塗料 (ビニルとりょう)
n paint | n [peɪnt] v
gen. パンドル; ペイント gai1 (peinto); ペンキ gai1 ichi1 (penki); 絵の具 ichi1 news1 nf16; 絵具
n paints | n v
gen. 塗料 news1 nf16 (toryō)
paints v
gen. 丹青
 English thesaurus
painting ['peɪntɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. paint
paint [peɪnt] abbr.
abbr. painter; painting
USA paint horse (plushkina)
PAINT [peɪnt] abbr.
abbr., ed. Programs And Activities Inspire New Thinking
abbr., IT Apple Macintosh Black & White MacPaint file Bitmap graphics
abbr., scottish Passive Identification & Notification of Torpedoes
mil. post-attack intelligence
Paint. abbr.
abbr. painting
painting: 4 phrases in 2 subjects