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package ['pækɪʤ] n
gen. 梱る possibly from 行李
comp., MS パッケージ (A SCE object which is used with the software deployment and with the update management features, pakkēji)
tech. パッケージ (pakkēji)
n package | n ['pækɪʤ] n
gen. 荷物 ichi1 news1 nf09 (nimotsu); 包み ichi1 news2 nf26 (つつみ); 包み物; ichi1 news1 nf09; ; ; ; ; ; 小包 ichi1 news1 nf22 (こづつみ); 小包み io ichi1; 小荷物
n vs package | n vs ['pækɪʤ] n
gen. 実装 (ぢっそう)
Package ['pækɪʤ] n
comp., MS パッケージ (A SCE object which is used with the software deployment and with the update management features, pakkēji)
 English thesaurus
package ['pækɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. pkg.; pck (Lemma)
abbr., insur. pkgs (s); pkge. (s)
abbr., mil. pkg; pkge
mil., abbr. pk
Packages abbr.
abbr., insur. Pgs; pcs.
packages n
market., IT packages
package: 6 phrases in 2 subjects