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verb | adjective
oppose [ə'pəuz] v
gen. 逆らう ichi1 news2 nf40; 阻む ichi1 news1 nf13; 沮む; 争う ichi1 news1 nf11; 側む; 反する ichi1 news1 nf24; 叛する; 立ち向かう news2 nf40; 歯向かう ichi1; 歯向う ichi1; 刃向かう; 対する ichi1 news2 nf33; 楯突く ichi1; 盾突く; 楯つく; 悖る; 弓を引く; 抗う; 諍う; 対す; 仇する; 寇する
opposing [ə'pəuzɪŋ] adj.
gen. 対面 news1 nf14 (traffic, etc.); 違乱
 English thesaurus
oppose [ə'pəuz] v
mil., logist. Resist against opponents trying to harm, by appropriate measures, and within a given rules of engagement and aggression rules framework. (FRA)