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offender [ə'fendə] n
gen. 行為者 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 違法行為者 Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat) ; 犯罪者 (はんざいしゃ) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
law 加害者 (かがいしゃ) Japanese Law Translation Database System
slang ichi1 news1 nf05 (hoshi)
n offender | n [ə'fendə] n
gen. 違反者; 下手人; 罪人 news2 nf47 spec2 (ざいにん); 犯人 ichi1 news1 nf05 (はんにん); 咎人; 科人 ik; 犯罪人
 English thesaurus
offender [ə'fendə] n
law person who committed a crime; One who commits a crime, such as a felony, misdemeanor, or other punishable unlawful act