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n mitt | n [mɪt] n
gen. グラブ gai1 (gurabu); ミット gai1; 手袋 ichi1 news1 nf17; 手ぶくろ
 English thesaurus
mitt [mɪt] n
baseb. catcher's mitt (4uzhoj)
USA mitten
MITT [mɪt] abbr.
abbr. Mobile Integrated or Imagery Tactical Terminal
abbr., avia. mean time to test
abbr., el. metal-insulator tunnel transistor; million minutes telephone traffic
abbr., mil. Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal; mobile integrated tactical terminal
abbr., space Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology
MITTS abbr.
abbr. Merrill Lynch Market Index Target Term Securities; market index target-term security
abbr., avia. mobile intermediate tracking telescope system
abbr., securit. market index target term security
mil. Mobile Intelligence Tactical Transmission (System)
tech. mobile IGOR tracking telescope system
mITT [mɪt] abbr.
abbr., clin.trial. modified intent to treat (iwona)