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verb | noun | to phrases
n mark | n [mɑ:k] v
gen. 馬克 ateji; ; (あかし); 証し esp. 印, 標 io; 見当 ichi1 news1 nf19; 正鵠; ichi1 news1 nf03; ; ; ; ichi1; 標識 ichi1 news1 nf15 (hyōshiki); 符号 ichi1 news2 nf35 (fugō); 符丁 (fuchō); 符帳; 符牒; 目印 ichi1 news2 nf29 (めぢるし); 目標 (もくひょう); 目じるし; 目星; 目ぼし; 目当て ichi1 news1 nf13; 目あて; 目当 io; 烙印; 図星; 略号; 標章 news2 nf42
mark [mɑ:k] v
gen. 画する ichi1 news2 nf29; 劃する; 告げる ichi1 news1 nf20; 打つ also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ ichi1 news1 nf06 (うつ); 銘打つ news2 nf37; 焼きごて; 焼き鏝; 焼鏝; 画す; 劃す; 特色づける; 特色付ける;
construct. (いん); マーク (māku)
law 表示 (刻印等による表示, hyōji) Japanese Law Translation Database System
obs. 告ぐ
phys. 記号 (kigō); 符号 (fugō); 標識 (hyōshiki)
Mark [mɑ:k] v
gen. マルク (unclass)
n vs mark | n vs [mɑ:k] v
gen. マーク gai1 ichi1 (māku); 標示 (hyōji)
n n-suf mark | n n-suf [mɑ:k] v
gen. 擦れ; 摩れ often pronounced ずれ as a suffix
navigation mark [mɑ:k] v
light. 航行用指標; 指標 (shihyō)
n uk mark | n uk [mɑ:k] v
gen. (てん)
n marks | n v
gen. 点数 ichi1 news1 nf10
Marks v
given., surn. マルクス
 English thesaurus
Mark [mɑ:k] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. market
abbr., oil Markham
mark [mɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. market
abbr., auto. MK/mk
abbr., polym. mk
mil., abbr. mrk
mil., logist. In artillery and naval fire support: 1. to call for fire on a specified location in order to orient the observer/spotter or to indicate targets; 2. to report the instant of optimum light on the target produced by illumination shells. Related term marker. (FRA)
MARK [mɑ:k] abbr.
abbr. Management Ability and Reprographic Know-how
abbr., avia. material accountability and robotic kitting system
abbr., ed. ED Marketing Educational Consortium
abbr., mil., avia. maintainability and reliability kit
abbr., scottish Material Accountability & Robotic Kitting
mil. maintenance and reliability kit
Nasdaq Market America, Inc.
Mark [mɑ:k] v
post II Facer-Canceler (year 1958)
MARKS abbr.
abbr., IT Multi Access Realtime Knowledge System
abbr., mil. Modern Army Record Keeping System
abbr., mil., WMD Modern Army Recordkeeping System
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects