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n man's man | n
gen. 肉食系
manga. (も)
 English thesaurus
man's man
gen. a man who enjoys being with other men and doing sports and activities with them, and is popular with men rather than women (He enjoyed his reputation as a man’s man, but was careful never to neglect his family. • He looks offended when I tell him he is perceived as a man's man. ldoceonline.com); a man who likes spending time with other men and doing things that men traditionally enjoy (macmillandictionary.com); a man who is more popular and at ease with other men than with women (Ritchie enjoys a reputation as a man's man: a hard-working, all-action, shooting, fishing sort of a chap who has knocked about a bit and can look after himself. • He's a man's man with a notoriously robust attitude to women. • Despite his good behaviour nowadays, he remains very much a man's man. • He's a man's man, he admits, which is no doubt why his friends have lasted longer than his lovers. • Joe was practical, a man's man; friendly in a blustering sort of way and always happy. • He was that rare mix of man's man and matinee idol. • Allegedly, women today don't want a sensitive, caring partner, they want a butch, tough, man's man. • He's very much a man's man, living in a cabin in the woods and driving around in a truck, but he's plagued by life getting in the way of his job. • If it wasn't for football, I would definitely not be as close to my dad John as I am, because he's a man's man. • He's such a man's man, but at the same time he writes with such tenderness and feeling. lexico.com); a man who exemplifies masculine qualities (He was fair but tough, a man's man. • We are planning on moving in together soon and it's good to have a man's man getting everything sorted. • She liked the way he was funny and quite macho - a man's man. • Interested in philosophy, he did not fit the image of a man's man. • He's the captain and a real leader - a real man's man. collinsdictionary.com); a man noted or admired for traditionally masculine interests and activities (merriam-webster.com); a man who is liked and admired by other men (merriam-webster.com)
man's man
: 1 phrase in 1 subject