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noun | abbreviation
n maid | n [meɪd] n
gen. お手伝いさん ichi1; メイド spec1; メード gai1; 家政婦 news1 nf19; 侍女 news2 nf39 spec2; 側仕え; 小間使; 小間使い; 家事手伝い
n vs maid | n vs [meɪd] n
gen. お手伝い ichi1 news1 nf17; 御手伝い
n sens maid | n sens [meɪd] n
gen. 女中 news2 nf42 spec2
 English thesaurus
MAID [meɪd] abbr.
abbr. modular AUTODIN interface devices
abbr., avia. manual intervention and display
abbr., el. market analysis and information database
abbr., scottish Mobile Autonomous Intelligent Device
mil. magnetic anti-intrusion detector; monthly accidents/incidents digest; multiple aircraft identification display
MAID [meɪd] abbr.
abbr., avia. manufacturing assembly and installation data
abbr., comp. Monrobot automatic internal diagnosis
abbr., med. Medical Assistance in Dying (WAHinterpreter)