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layer ['leɪə] n
comp., MS レイヤー (The protocol or protocols operating at a particular level within a protocol suite, such as IP within the TCP/IP suite)
construct. 階層 (かいそう)
phys. (sō)
tech. 取木 (とりき)
n layer | n ['leɪə] n
gen. レイヤ; レベル gai1 ichi1 (reberu); レブル; 階層 news1 nf15 (かいそう); 地層 news1 nf15 (chisō)
n layers | n n
gen. 重ね news2 nf30 (e.g. of clothing, かさね); esp. 重ね (e.g. of clothing); 採卵鶏
Layer ['leɪə] n
gen. ライア (unclass)
n n-suf layer | n n-suf ['leɪə] n
gen. (sō)
tropospheric layer ['leɪə] n
radio 対流圏層
 English thesaurus
layer ['leɪə] n
gun layer (Артиллерия)
abbr., polym. lyr
agric. layer chicken (Баян)
δ-layer abbr.
abbr., el. delta-doped layer
layer: 6 phrases in 2 subjects