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lay waste
gen. 荒らす ichi1 news1 nf22 (あらす); 荒す io ichi1
 English thesaurus
lay waste
gen. to completely destroy, especially of a geographical area or region (transitive; simple past and past participle laid waste): In addition to racking up what looks like a substantial offscreen body count, the movie at one point offers an eight-second introduction for a sleazy used-car salesman character for the sole purpose of justifying Tripp and Creech laying waste to his inventory. • Thirsting for revenge, his troops stormed the fortress of Kazan on the upper Volga in 1553, slaughtering the defenders just as the Mongols had done when they laid waste Russia's great cities. Usage notes: Sometimes takes "to" instead of being simply transitive. Thus, "...they laid waste to Russia's great cities" would be an acceptable alternative to the quote above. wiktionary.org)