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jump [ʤʌmp] n
gen. 吃驚 spec1; 喫驚; 跳ねる ichi1 news2 nf40; 飛ぶ ichi1; 跳ぶ news1 nf21; 翔ぶ esp. 飛ぶ oK; 飛び退く (out of the way); 飛びのく (out of the way); 跳び退く (out of the way); 跳びのく (out of the way); 躍る news2 nf37; 跳る; 跳ね上がる news2 nf41 spec2 (market, price, etc.); はね上がる (market, price, etc.); 跳ね上る (market, price, etc.); 躍り出る (e.g. to first place); おどり出る (e.g. to first place); ぶっ飛ぶ; 打っ飛ぶ
comp. 分岐 ichi1 news2 nf39 (bunki)
construct. ジャンプ (janpu)
n jump | n [ʤʌmp] n
gen. 飛び込み news1 nf18; 飛込み; 跳ね上がり news2 nf41 (e.g. in prices); 跳ね上り (e.g. in prices)
comp. 飛び越し; 飛越し (とびこし)
n vs jump | n vs [ʤʌmp] n
gen. ジャンプ gai1 ichi1 (janpu); 急騰 news1 nf15 (きゅうとう); 上騰; 急伸 news1 nf22
n a jump | n [ʤʌmp] n
gen. 跳ね news2 nf40; 撥ね
n vs adj-no jump | n vs adj-no [ʤʌmp] n
gen. 跳躍 ichi1 news1 nf24 (ちょうやく)
 English thesaurus
JUMP [ʤʌmp] abbr.
abbr. Java Users Must Pay; Join Us Making Progress; Joint Union Management Program
abbr., ed., scient. Junior University Multidisciplinary Preparation
abbr., IT Java User Migration Path
abbr., law Juvenile Urban Mentoring Program
abbr., mil. Justified Use Of Military Power
abbr., mil., avia. joint UHF modernization plan; joint UHF modernization project
abbr., scottish Joint UHF Modernisation Project (USA)
mil. joint ultrahigh-frequency modernization program
tech. joint UHF modernization project
JUMPS abbr.
abbr., avia. joint uniform military pay service
abbr., mil. Joint Uniform Military Pay System
abbr., mil., avia. joint uniform military pay system
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