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isolate ['aɪs(ə)lət] n
gen. 隔てる ichi1 news1 nf21; 距てる; 切り分ける; 切る ichi1 news1 nf11 (an opponent's stone, きる); 取り切る (とりきる); 取切る
el.mach. 絶縁する 1; 分離する 2
n isolate | n ['aɪs(ə)lət] n
gen. アイソレイト
comp. 孤立概念
 English thesaurus
isolate ['aɪs(ə)lət] n
mil., logist. A tactical task given to a unit to seal off both physically and psychologically an enemy from its sources of support, to deny an enemy freedom of movement, and prevent an enemy unit from having contact with other enemy forces. An enemy must not be allowed sanctuary within its present position. (FRA)