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insolvency [ɪn'sɔlvənsɪ] n
gen. 支払無能力 Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
law 無資力 (債務超過を意味する場合, むしりょく) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n vs insolvency | n vs [ɪn'sɔlvənsɪ] n
gen. 倒産 ichi1 news1 nf05 (とうさん); 破産 ichi1 news1 nf09 (はさん)
n adj-no insolvency | n adj-no [ɪn'sɔlvənsɪ] n
gen. 支払不能
n insolvency | n [ɪn'sɔlvənsɪ] n
gen. 債務超過 (さいむちょうか)
 English thesaurus
insolvency [ɪn'sɔlvənsɪ] n
gen. financial condition in which the total liabilities of an individual or enterprise exceed the total assets so that the claims of creditors cannot be paid (There are essentially two approaches in determining insolvency: insolvency in the equity sense and under the balance-sheet approach. Insolvency in the equity sense denotes the inability of the debtor to pay his debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business. Insolvency under the balance-sheet approach means that the total liabilities of the debtor exceed his total assets (Britannica)
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects