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insert ['ɪnsɜ:t] n
gen. 挟み込む; 掲載 ichi1 news1 nf06 (e.g. an article); 差し込む news2 nf43 (さしこむ); 差込む also written as 挿し込む; 差し入れる news2 nf29; 差入れる io; 差す ichi1 news2 nf41; 刷り込む news2 nf44 (an illustration); すり込む (an illustration); 刷込む io (an illustration); 仕込む news2 nf46 (しこむ); 植える ichi1 news2 nf45; 組み込む ichi1 news1 nf12; 組込む; 組み入れる news2 nf29 (くみいれる); 組入れる; 挿す; 打つ also written as 拍つ, 搏つ, 撲つ, 擣つ ichi1 news1 nf06 (うつ); 入れる ichi1; 容れる; 函れる; 嵌める ichi1 (はめる); 填める oK; 篏める oK; 塡める oK; はめ込む; 嵌め込む (はめ・こむ); 填め込む; 挟む ichi1 news1 nf24; 挾む oK (はさむ); 挿む; 書き足す; 植え込む; 植込む; 差し挟む; 差し挾む; 挿れる from 挿入 and 入れる (usu. as part of sexual intercourse); 挿入断片 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 鋳ぐるみ Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend)
comp. 流し込む news2 nf38 (e.g. into a data stream)
comp., MS 挿入 (A mode in which any data to the right of the cursor is moved to the right as you type, そうにゅう)
construct. インサート (insāto)
n insert | n ['ɪnsɜ:t] n
gen. 添付文書
n vs insert | n vs ['ɪnsɜ:t] n
gen. インサート (insāto)
 English thesaurus
insert ['ɪnsɜ:t] n
cinema A close-up shot of an object, often produced by the second unit. The term probably came about to reflect the fact that this shot will be "inserted" into the final version of the movie during editing.