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noun | verb | to phrases
n hemming | n ['hemiŋ] n
gen. 伏せ縫い; 伏縫
n vs hemming | n vs ['hemiŋ] n
gen. 縁取り (fuchidori)
Hemmings n
surn. ヘミングズ
hem [hem] v
tech. ヘム
n hem | n [hem] v
gen. ヘム gai1; 裳裾 (of skirt); (of a kimono)
uk hem | uk [hem] v
gen. sometimes べり as a suffix (ふち)
n skirt hem | n [hem] v
gen. ichi1 news2 nf34 (すそ)
 English thesaurus
HEM [hem] abbr.
abbr. Historical Electronics Museum
abbr., astronaut. Harmonization of Environmental Measurement project (UNEP)
abbr., auto. hydraulically engine mounting
abbr., el. head end modulation; heat exchanger method; high-end microcomputer; hybrid electromagnetic (wave)
abbr., el., scient. Hydrogenic Effective Mass
abbr., hydrol. helicopter-borne electromagnetic measurements (ochernen)
abbr., med. Healthcare Environmental Manager
abbr., mil. Heavy Equipment Maintenance; hand emplaced munition
abbr., opt. heat exchange method; hybrid electromagnetic wave
abbr., semicond. hole effective mass
mil. handbook of emergency measures
tech. Hall effect multiplier; helicopter electromagnetics; homogeneous equilibrium model; horizontal-loop electromagnetic method
HEMS abbr.
abbr., comp. High Level Entity Management Protocol (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net., IT High-level Entity Management System
abbr., IT high-level entity management standard
abbr., med. helicopter emergency medical service
abbr., physiol., med. Helicopter Emergency Medical Services
hem [hem] abbr.
abbr. hemisphere; hemoglobin; hemorrhage
Hem [hem] abbr.
abbr. hematite
hem. abbr.
abbr. hemorrhage
Hem [hem] abbr.
abbr., oil hematite hematitic
hem. abbr.
abbr., tech. hemlock
: 20 phrases in 3 subjects