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gutter ['gʌtə] v
gen. 地先下水 (chisaki-gesui) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 地先下水溝 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 道路側溝 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 街渠 (がいきょ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; のり側薄 Concrete Terminology Glossary (Gururaj Rao) ; 側コウ River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS とじしろ (The blank area between two or more columns of text or between two facing pages in a publication)
construct. (hi)
tech. 貧民窟 (ひんみんくつ); (みぞ)
n gutter | n ['gʌtə] v
gen. 下水 ichi1 news1 nf17 (gesui); 側溝 news2 nf30 (そっこう); 排水溝 news2 nf45 (はいすい・みぞ); news2 nf36 (hi); ichi1 news1 nf09 (みぞ); 綴じ代; ガター; ガタ sometimes ガーター; 雨承け (on the eaves of a roof)