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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
get [get] n
gen. せしめる; 掴み取る; つかみ取る; 摑み取る oK; 物にする; ぴんと来る (a joke or explanation); 有り付く; あり付く; 有りつく; 在り付く; 在りつく; 受ける ichi1 news1 nf16; 請ける news1 nf24; 承ける; 享ける; 受け取る ichi1 news1 nf12 (うけとる); 受けとる; 受取る; 請け取る; 請取る; うけ取る; 出る ichi1 news1 nf12; 成る ichi1 news2 nf34; 為る; 接する ichi1 news1 nf10; 得る ichi1 news2 nf25; 入る ichi1 news2 nf25; 這入る; 捕まる ichi1 news2 nf44 (e.g. a taxi); 掴まる ichi1 (e.g. a taxi); 捉まる (e.g. a taxi); 摑まる usu. 捕まる oK (e.g. a taxi); 儲ける ichi1 (もうける); 来る ichi1 news1 nf16; 來る oK; 頂く ichi1; 戴く ichi1; 獲る 獲る esp. refers to catching wild game, etc.; 分かる ichi1 news2 nf39; 解る spec1; 判る spec1; 分る; ゲトる; 意を得る (e.g. the gist of something); ; 貰い受ける; もらい受ける
obs. 出ず; 出づ; 接しる; 受く; 享く; 承く; 請く
 English thesaurus
get [get] n
vulg. ticket
GET [get] abbr.
abbr. Greenwich Electronic Time; ground elapsed time; Group Execute Trigger (Vosoni)
abbr., avia. Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia
abbr., construct. Ground Engaging Tools (njelezn)
abbr., ed. Goodwill And Education Together
abbr., ed., scient. Graduate Employment And Training; Graduation Employment And Transfer
abbr., el. general translator; graphics editing of text; grounded emitter transistor
abbr., file.ext. Get Execute Trigger
abbr., fin. Global Environment Trust Fund
abbr., med. Gastric Emptying Time; General Endotracheal (anesthesia); Graded Treadmill Exercise Test; Guide Des Équivalents Thérapeutiques; Getah
abbr., mil., avia. graphical exploitation tool
abbr., mil., WMD geological, environmental, and toxicological monitoring
abbr., police Gang Enforcement Team
abbr., scottish Ground Elapsed Time
abbr., st.exch. Gaylord Entertainment Company; Global Electronic Trading
abbr., telecom. Generalized Euler Transform (key2russia)
Apollo-Soyuz, abbr. ground elapsed time (flight time
energ.ind. gas expansion turbine
tech. general employee training; Germanium transistor
GET [get] abbr.
abbr., amer. Guaranteed Education Tuition (a prepaid-tuition program for some state's public colleges Val_Ships)
GET [get] abbr.
abbr. Ground Engaging Tool (MingNa)
abbr., comp.name. Getty Oil Company
abbr., earth.sc. geoscience transect
get: 1 phrase in 1 subject