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n gesture | n ['ʤesʧə] n
gen. 仕草 news1 nf19; 仕種; 身振り ichi1 news2 nf40; 身ぶり; 身振 io; 表意; ゼスチュア
abbr. ジェスチャー gai1; ゼスチャー
n gestures | n n
gen. 身ぶり手ぶり; 身振り手振り
gesture ['ʤesʧə] n
gen. 所作 news2 nf37
n vs gesture | n vs ['ʤesʧə] n
gen. 手真似; 手まね
gesture ['ʤesʧə] n
comp., MS ジェスチャ (A quick movement of a finger or pen on a screen that the computer interprets as a command, rather than as a mouse movement, writing, or drawing)