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adjective | noun | abbreviation
fry [fraɪ] adj.
gen. 煎る news2 nf46; 炒る; 熬る; 炒める ichi1 news1 nf20
n fry | n [fraɪ] adj.
gen. 稚魚 news1 nf20 (ちぎょ); 幼魚 news2 nf45 (young fish, ようぎょ); 小魚 news2 nf32 (こざかな)
Fry [fraɪ] adj.
gen. フライ (unclass)
 English thesaurus
FRY [fraɪ] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. ferry
Fry [fraɪ] abbr.
abbr., busin. freeway
FRY [fraɪ] abbr.
abbr. Fire Related Youth; Frisian; first reading yesterday
abbr., avia. Fryeburg, Maine USA
abbr., inet. First Read Yesterday
abbr., polit. Former Republic of Yugoslavia
abbr., scottish Federal Republic of Yugoslavia