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preposition | abbreviation | to phrases
from [frɔm] prep.
gen. より ichi1; spec1; からして
from ... prep.
prt from | prt prep.
gen. から spec1 (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity)
exp from | exp prep.
gen. これより (this, here, etc.)
 English thesaurus
FROM [frɔm] abbr.
abbr., IT fusible read-only memory
abbr., sport. full range of motion
from [frɔm] abbr.
abbr. competition (AD Alexander Demidov)
mil. fit and function (принцип стандартизации оборудования)
FROM [frɔm] abbr.
abbr. Factory Read Only Memory (ROM)
abbr., el. fast read-only memory; firmware read-only memory
abbr., IT Factory ROM; Factory Read-Only Memory
abbr., mil. Force Reception and Onward Movement
abbr., mil., avia. factory-programmable read only memory
abbr., physiol., med. Full Range Of Movement
tech. fusable read-only memory
from: 13 phrases in 2 subjects
Food industry2