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verb | adjective
n friend | n [frend] v
gen. アミ gai2; フレンド gai1; 交友 news1 nf20; 知人 ichi1 news1 nf04; 朋輩 ateji; 傍輩; 朋友 ポンユー is from chi: pengyou news2 nf47; ichi1 news1 nf04; ; 友垣; 友人 more formal than 友達 ichi1 news1 nf02; 友達 ichi1 news1 nf05; 顔なじみ ichi1; 顔馴染; 顔馴染み; 知る辺; アミーゴ (esp. male); アミゴ ik (esp. male)
abbr. ダチ; だち
obs. 友朋; 友つ人; 友子; 匹偶; 匹耦
slang ダチ公; だち公
friend [frend] v
comp., MS 友だち (A person someone has established a mutual connection with. The connection could have been made on Windows Live or in any connected social networking service)
obs. ichi1 (shin)
n vs adj-no friend | n vs adj-no [frend] v
gen. 味方 ichi1 news1 nf09; 身方; 御方
n vs friend | n vs [frend] v
gen. 交遊 news2 nf31
fem friend | fem [frend] v
n close friend | n [frend] v
gen. 知友
Friend [frend] v
gen. フレンド
male friend | male [frend] v
avunc. 兄弟 ichi1 news1 nf05
friends adj.
gen. 身内 ichi1 news1 nf11; 身うち
comp., MS 友達 (The webpage subheading for the view in Messenger that displays someone's friends and contacts that aren't friends but that can be interacted with in Messenger (those are often legacy entries))
n yoji friends | n yoji adj.
gen. 仲間同士 (なかまどうし)
Friends adj.
comp., MS 友だち (The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) all of someone's friends)
titles フレンズ (film)
n friends | n adj.
gen. フレンズ gai1
 English thesaurus
friend [frend] abbr.
abbr., austral., slang cobber; mate
abbr., mil. frd (ly Киселев)
mil., logist. In identification, the designation given to a track, object or entity belonging to a declared, presumed or recognized friendly nation, faction or group. Related terms: hostile; identification; neutral; unknown. (FRA)
FRIEND [frend] abbr.
abbr. For Rooting If Ever Not Dating
abbr., relig. Few Relations In Earth Never Die