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noun | noun | to phrases
food [fu:d] n
gen. news1 nf18; ichi1 news1 nf06
obs. 包丁 ichi1 news1 nf10; 庖丁
n food | n [fu:d] n
gen. フード gai1 (fūdo); 召し上がり物; 食べ物 ichi1 news1 nf08; 食べもの; 食品 ichi1 news1 nf03 (しょくひん); 食料 ichi1 news1 nf04 (しょくりょう); 食糧 news1 nf04 (esp. staple food such as rice or wheat); 兵糧 news2 nf36 spec2; 兵粮 oK; 食い物 news2 nf32; 膳部 (esp. a small Japanese table on a table); news1 nf07 (しょく); ; ;
yummy food [fu:d] n
child. 旨々; 旨旨
n adj-no food | n adj-no [fu:d] n
gen. 食物 ichi1 news1 nf11 (しょくぶつ)
n foods | n n
gen. フーズ (often part of company name)
 English thesaurus
food [fu:d] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang grub (Where is the best place to get some grub around here?)
abbr., austral., slang tucker (Комментарий пользователя johnstephenson (с форума): As far as I know, "tucker" is just a neutral Australian slang word, slightly humorous, meaning '(some) food" or 'a meal'. Full-stop. So not sirloin steak with mushrooms, not a Big Mac, and not necessarily good food/bad food, but just 'food'/'a meal'.)
FOODS abbr.
abbr., busin. foodstuff
FOOD [fu:d] abbr.
abbr. Food Of The Orange District
abbr., med. Forum Et InfOs Sur Les RéactiOns Dues Aux Aliments. Forum Et InfOs On ReactiOns Due To Foods. Forum Et InfOs über ReaktiOnen Durch Nahrungsmittel
Nasdaq Fresh Foods, Inc.
food: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
Name of organization1