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noun | adjective | noun
finding ['faɪndɪŋ] n
gen. 知見 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
n vs finding | n vs ['faɪndɪŋ] n
gen. 拾得 ichi1 news2 nf39; 発見 ichi1 news1 nf04 (はっけん)
n finding | n ['faɪndɪŋ] n
gen. 所見 news1 nf15
findings adj.
gen. 分かった結果調査等で、 ちょうさとうで River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
n findings | n adj.
gen. 所見 news1 nf15; 研究結果 spec1
n vs findings | n vs adj.
gen. 答申 ichi1 news1 nf03
 English thesaurus
findings n
jewl. the various pieces commonly used by jewelers when crafting jewelry such as clasps, bales, settings, o-rings, jump rings, hooks and often even refers to the tools the jewelers use.
finding ['faɪndɪŋ] n
gen. preposition (finding about > recent scientific findings about sleep patterns; finding for > The findings for one group can be applied to the others. finding from > findings from a recent research project; finding on > newly published findings on the depopulation of the countryside. OCD Alexander Demidov)
law discovery; When a judicial officer or jury says something is a fact