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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
n fig | n [fɪg] n
gen. 無花果; 映日果; 一熟 ateji; 無花果果; 無花果状果
obsc fig | obsc [fɪg] n
gen. 埋もれ木; 埋れ木
 English thesaurus
fig. abbr.
abbr., ling. figuratively (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/fig-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn); figurative (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/fig-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
polym. figure
fig [fɪg] abbr.
abbr. figurative
FIG [fɪg] abbr.
abbr. Facility For Interactive Generation; Forth Interest Group (organization, Forth)
abbr., auto. future index of gain currency
abbr., avia. FANS Implementation Group; flight inspection group; fiber interferometer gyroscope
abbr., EBRD financial industrial group (raf)
abbr., econ. financial investment group
abbr., ed., scient. Freshman Interest Group
abbr., el. fast information group; fixed-image graphics
abbr., file.ext. Linker options (Lahey Fortran)
abbr., IT Linker options
abbr., mil., avia. fighter interceptor group
abbr., nautic., scient. Fishing Industry Grants
abbr., securit. financial institution group
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale De Gymnastique
abbr., survey. International Federation of Surveyors (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Furniture Interiors And Gardens
Fig [fɪg] abbr.
abbr., oil Fig Tree (group)
FIG [fɪg] abbr.
abbr., avia. figure (s)
abbr., fin. Financial Institutions Group
abbr., space fibre interferometer gyroscope; floated integrating gyro
abbr., sport. Federation Internationale de Gymnastique; International Gymnastics Federation
abbr., telecom. figure
abbr., UN, cartogr. international federation of surveyors
: 9 phrases in 1 subject