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falsify ['fɔ:lsɪfaɪ] v
gen. 偽る news2 nf35 spec2 (いつわる); 詐る; 譃わる ik; 矯める; 誤魔化す ateji ichi1 (ごまかす); 誤摩化す ateji; 胡麻化す ateji; 誤魔かす ateji; 胡魔化す ateji; 歪める; 騙る (e.g. a seal)
 English thesaurus
falsify ['fɔ:lsɪfaɪ] v
law, uncom. to prove something to be false or erroneous (their goal in the appeal was to falsify the jury's verdict sovereignconnection.com)