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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
eve [i:v] n
gen. 前夜 ichi1 news1 nf08 (of festival, major event, etc.)
Eve [i:v] n
gen. イーヴ (unclass)
given. イブ
prop.name, given., manu. ther. イヴ
n eve | n [i:v] n
gen. イブ gai1 (esp. Christmas Eve); イヴ (esp. Christmas Eve)
n-adv n-t eve | n-adv n-t [i:v] n
gen. 前日 esp. 〜の前日 news1 nf02 (ぜんじつ)
 English thesaurus
eve [i:v] abbr.
abbr. evening
eve. abbr.
abbr. evening
EVE [i:v] abbr.
abbr. Ecofeminist Visions Emerging; Ecofeminists Visions Emerging; Enjoy Vancouver Electronically; Extraterrestrial Vulnerability Experiment; Extended Virtual Environment
abbr., auto. economy vehicle element
abbr., avia. Evenes, Norway
abbr., comp., net. electronic video exchange
abbr., ed., scient. Essay Verification Engine
abbr., el. electronic video endoscopy; entry and validation equipment; extreme value engineering
abbr., IT data entry and validation equipment
abbr., law Ending Violent Encounters
abbr., med. Every Vagina Eater
abbr., mil. Evening; equal value exchange
abbr., plast. vinyl ethyl ether
abbr., polym. ethyl vinyl ether
abbr., progr., IT Extensible Vax Editor
abbr., scient. Everlasting Vernal Equinox
EVE [i:v] abbr.
abbr., oil Einstein viscosity equation
: 3 phrases in 1 subject