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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
n end | n [end] n
gen. エンド gai1; ラスト gai1; 果てし; 詰め (esp. the foot of a bridge); づめ when a suffix (esp. the foot of a bridge, つまり); 結末 ichi1 news1 nf16 (けつまつ); 際限 ichi1 news1 nf23; 仕上がり news1 nf14 (しあがり); 終幕 news2 nf28; 出外れ; 切り ichi1 news1 nf10; 限り (かぎり); io; 締めくくり; 締め括り; 当て ichi1 news1 nf15 (あて); ichi1; 宛て; 突き当たり ichi1 (e.g. of street, hallway, etc.); 突き当り (e.g. of street, hallway, etc.); 突当たり (e.g. of street, hallway, etc.); 突当り (e.g. of street, hallway, etc.); 末尾 news2 nf27 spec2 (e.g. of report, document, paragraph, etc.); ichi1 news1 nf05 (e.g. of street, はした); 末葉; 杪葉; 切り上げ news2 nf36 spec2; 切上げ (きりあげ); 切りあげ; 切れ目 news1 nf19; 切目 (きりめ); 仕上げ ichi1 news1 nf12 (しあげ); 仕上 (shiage); 仕舞い; 仕舞; 終い; 了い; 締め切り ichi1 news1 nf06; 締切り ichi1 (しめきり); 締切 io ichi1 (shimekiri); 乄切り oK; 閉め切り; 閉切り not 閉め切り, etc.; 打ち切り news1 nf13 (うちきり); 打切り; 止まり news2 nf40 (とまり); 方図; 結尾; 止めど; 止め処; 止処; 留処; 打ち止め news2 nf31 (of an entertainment or match, うちどめ); 打ち留め (of an entertainment or match); 打止め (of an entertainment or match); 打留め (of an entertainment or match); 大尾; 際涯; 収まり news1 nf23 (おさまり); 納まり; 治まり; 一区切り; 先っぽ; 端っこ; 掉尾; 棒先 (of a stick, rod, pole, etc.); 終着点; キリ variant of "cruz" from Portuguese (きり); 先っちょ; 完了; (つま); 窮まり; 終わりかけ; 終わり掛け; 〆切; 〆切り
obs. 果たて; (kyoku); ; io
end [end] n
gen. 果てる news2 nf37 spec2; 開ける ichi1 (of a period, season); 空ける ichi1 (of a period, season); 明ける ichi1 (of a period, season); 区切り news1 nf12 (くぎり); 句切り; 済む ichi1 news2 nf38; 濟む oK; 仕舞う ichi1; 終う; 了う; 蔵う; 止める ichi1; 已める; 廃める; 終止符 ichi1 news1 nf09; ; ; 折る ichi1 news2 nf37 (おる); ichi1 (さき); (しとみ); 先き io; 打ち上げ news1 nf06 (of a theatrical run, etc.); 打上げ (of a theatrical run, etc., uchiage); 打ち揚げ (of a theatrical run, etc.); 打揚げ (of a theatrical run, etc.); 段落 ichi1 (だんおち); 暮れ ichi1 news1 nf06; io; 暮れる ichi1 news1 nf12; 眩れる; 暗れる; 名残 ichi1 news1 nf19; 名残り io; 目当て ichi1 news1 nf13; 目あて; 目当 io; 撃ち止める news1 nf09 (a performance); 打ち止める (a performance); 打ち留める (a performance); 討ち止める (a performance); 撃止める (a performance); 打止める (a performance); 討止める (a performance); 打留める (a performance); 終わる ichi1 news1 nf11; 終る; 了わる; 卒わる; 畢わる; 竟わる also written 了る, 卒る, etc.; 決まり ichi1 news1 nf24; 決り; 極まり; 極り; 切り目; ; けり; 相済む formal version of 済む; 幕を切る (e.g. a play, an episode, an event, etc.); 終わり Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
abbr. 端末 news1 nf12 (e.g. of a roll of film, たんまつ)
comp., MS 終了 (To stop communications or a network connection)
construct. エンドグレイン (endogurein); 小口 (しょうくち); 木口 (kōguchi); 端部 (たんぶ)
inf. (ana);
obs. 果つ
tech. 端末 (たんまつ); (おわり)
n adj-no end | n adj-no [end] n
gen. 終局 news1 nf18; 末端 ichi1 news1 nf12; 最後 ichi1 news1 nf01 (さいご); (おわり); ;
End [end] n
comp., MS 終了 (To stop communications or a network connection)
uk end | uk [end] n
gen. 詰まり ichi1 news2 nf31 (つまり); 詰り
n tail end | n [end] n
gen. 後端
n-t end | n-t [end] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf04
n vs end | n vs [end] n
gen. 決着 news1 nf03; 結着
n uk dead end | n uk [end] n
gen. どん詰り; どん詰まり
n suf end | n suf [end] n
gen. 外れ ichi1 news1 nf20
n vs adj-no end | n vs adj-no [end] n
gen. 終結 news1 nf03 (shūketsu)
n-suf n-pref end | n-suf n-pref [end] n
gen. 明け
n-suf n end | n-suf n [end] n
gen. at the close of a book, film, etc.
 English thesaurus
end [end] abbr.
abbr. enclosed (Vosoni); endorsed
abbr., med. endoreduplication
abbr., oil endorseed
abbr., progr. expiration (ssn)
END [end] abbr.
abbr. European Nuclear Disarmament; Equivalent Neutral Density
abbr., avia. end of data
abbr., earth.sc. equivalent neutral density; equivalent normal deviate
abbr., el. electronic null detection
abbr., file.ext. Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw)
abbr., IT Arrow-head definition file
abbr., med. Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist; Endocrinology (код больничного отделения Ying); exaltation of Newcastle disease virus; Endothelial Cells
abbr., mil., avia. endorse
abbr., mus. Epidemik Never Dies
abbr., oil end curve name (for area shading)
abbr., physiol. Ending Nicotine Dependence
abbr., physiol., med. Exotic Newcastle Disease
abbr., post Evolutionary Network Development
tech. end of data
ENDS abbr.
abbr. Environmental Data Services Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. Environmental Data Services; equivalent normal derivates; European Atomic Authority Nuclear Documentation System
abbr., file.ext. Ends Segment
ecol. Environmental Data Service
mil. European nuclear documentation system
End [end] abbr.
abbr., oil Endicott; endorsement; endorser; endurance
progr., abbr. E
end. abbr.
abbr. enclosed; endorsements (в водительских удостоверениях Tiny Tony)
abbr., commer. cancel
abbr., econ. endorse
abbr., libr. enclosure
End. n
law endorsement; endorser; endorsed
ends n
biol. condense
END [end] abbr.
abbr. endorsements (в водительском удостоверении США Kseniya_Ya)
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
Cables and cable production2
Video recording2