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gen. 汚物; 黄塵; ; 叩く; 敲く; 土埃
| infrared
comp., MS 赤外線
| test
comp., MS テスト
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | abbreviation
n dust | n [dʌst] n
gen. 汚物 news2 nf32 spec2 (おぶつ); 黄塵 (in air); ichi1 (ごみ); 土埃; 土ぼこり; 粉塵 (ふんぢん); 粉じん; 塵埃 (じんあい); 煙塵 (えんじん); 風塵 (ふうじん); ダスト (dasuto)
dust [dʌst] n
gen. 叩く ichi1 (はたく); 敲く; 煤塵 (ばいぢん) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. (ごみ); ほこり (ほこり); (ほこり)
nucl.phys. ちり (ちり)
tech. 塵芥 (ごみ)
n uk dust | n uk [dʌst] n
gen. ichi1 (ほこり)
 English thesaurus
DUST [dʌst] n
meteorol. duststorm
DUST [dʌst] abbr.
abbr., mil. Dual-Use Science and Technology (Army program)
DUST [dʌst] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. duststorm
abbr., oil digital ultrasonic scanning tool