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n vs discourse | n vs ['dɪskɔ:s] n
gen. 言説; 講話 news2 nf27; 言述
n discourse | n ['dɪskɔ:s] n
gen. 談義 news2 nf47; ディスクール
n,vs discourse ['dɪskɔ:s] n
gen. 談話 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n n-suf discourse | n n-suf ['dɪskɔ:s] n
 English thesaurus
discourse ['dɪskɔ:s] n
lit. A dialogue comprised of several sentences, more generally recognised as conversations, speeches or debates. The term can also refer to theories or metaphorical conversations on controversial issues amongst academics and scholars. For example feminism can be identified as a discourse.