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noun | adjective | to phrases
dependent [dɪ'pendənt] n
gen. 依存的 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
abbr. 冷や飯 news2 nf43; 冷飯
comp., MS 依存 (A role assumed by one person, place, or thing that participates in a relationship, いぞん); 参照先 (A cell that contains a formula that refers to another cell. For example, if cell D10 contains the formula =B5, cell D10 is a dependent of cell B5)
phys. 従属 (じゅうぞく)
n dependent | n [dɪ'pendənt] n
gen. 厄介者; 冷や飯食い; 冷飯食い; 家族滞在 (e.g. in a family); 部屋子; 被扶養者
n vs adj-no dependent | n vs adj-no [dɪ'pendənt] n
gen. 付属 ichi1 news1 nf05; 附属 ichi1
adj-na dependent | adj-na [dɪ'pendənt] n
gen. 隷属的
n dependents | n adj.
gen. 一族 news1 nf11; 眷属; 眷族
n vs dependents | n vs adj.
gen. 係累; 繋累
n obsc dependents | n obsc adj.
rel., budd. 纏縛
n one's dependents | n adj.
gen. 扶養家族
 English thesaurus
dependent [dɪ'pendənt] n
mil., abbr. dep; depn
dependents adj.
USA An employee’s spouse; children who are unmarried and under age 21 years or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support; dependent parents, including step and legally adoptive parents of the employee’s spouse; and dependent brothers and sisters, including step and legally adoptive brothers and sisters of the employee’s spouse who are unmarried and under 21 years of age or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support (JP 3-68)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects