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default [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
gen. 怠惰 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 契約不履行 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS 既定値 (A value that is automatically used by a program when the user does not specify an alternative. Defaults are built into a program when a value or option must be assumed for the program to function)
construct. 瑕疵 (かし)
law 債務不履行 (さいむふりこう) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n default | n [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
gen. ディフォールト; ディフォルト; デフォルト; デフォールト; 省略時; 不納 (ふのう); 不払い news1 nf24 (ふばらい); 不履行 news2 nf27 (ふりこう); 黙約 (もくやく)
abbr. デフォ
adj-no n default | adj-no n [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
gen. 既定 news1 nf19
n vs default | n vs [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
gen. 違約 news2 nf31 (いやく)
n vs adj-no default | n vs adj-no [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
gen. 滞納 ichi1 news1 nf18 (たいのう)
 English thesaurus
default [dɪ'fɔ:lt] n
energ.ind., abbr. dft
IT A computer software setting or preference that states what will automatically happen in the event that the user has not stated another preference. For example, a computer may have a default setting to launch or start Netscape whenever a GIF file is opened; however, if using Adobe Photoshop is the preference for viewing a GIF file, the default setting can be changed to Photoshop. In the case of default accounts, these are accounts that are provided by the operating system vendor e.g., root in UNIX.
law When a defendant in a civil case doesn't file an answer or go to court when they're supposed to, but was properly notified
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