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verb | adjective | to phrases
conquer ['kɔŋkə] v
gen. 打ち勝つ news2 nf38 (e.g. an enemy); 打ち克つ (e.g. an enemy); 打勝つ (e.g. an enemy); 打克つ (e.g. an enemy); 靡かす; 征く; 征する
n vs conquering | n vs ['kɒŋkǝrɪŋ] adj.
gen. 風靡 news2 nf43; 風び; 席巻 news1 nf23; 席捲; 超克
 English thesaurus
conquer to ['kɔŋkə] v
mil., logist. Action of seizing from the enemy an objective on the ground through an attack. This mission implies a likely enemy resistance. FRA
: 3 phrases in 1 subject