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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
care [keə] n
gen. esp. 〜の念 news1 nf06; 厄介 ichi1 news1 nf23; 介する news2 nf31; 意に介する usu. takes the negative form 意に介さない; 介す; 世話 (せわ) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 手入れ (ていれ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
inf. occ. pronounced た when a prefix ichi1 news1 nf01
law 監護 Japanese Law Translation Database System
n vs care | n vs n
gen. ケア gai1; 屈託 news1 nf21; 心遣い news2 nf28 spec2; 心づかい; 心使い; 心遺い ik; 心配 ichi1 news1 nf04; 撫育; 保護 ichi1 news1 nf01 (ほご); 用心 ichi1 news2 nf28; 要心; 気配り ichi1 news1 nf14; 戒心; 要慎 oK
n care | n n
gen. 気苦労 news2 nf41; 心がけ news2 nf42 spec2; 心掛け ichi1 news2 nf38; 心懸け; 念入れ; 御念; ご念; 気骨
n vs adj-no care | n vs adj-no n
gen. サービス gai1 ichi1 (sābisu); サーヴィス; 介護 news1 nf05
n vs protective care | n vs n
gen. 養護 ichi1
n n-suf care | n n-suf n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf02
adj-na n care | adj-na n n
gen. 面倒 ichi1 news1 nf08
 English thesaurus
CARE [keə] abbr.
abbr. California Alternate Rates For Energy; Care And Respect Everyone; Central Arkansas Rescue Effort; Children Are Reason Enough; Children's Assistance And Resource Event; Client Assessment Referral And Evaluation; Community Action Readiness Effort; Compassion And Respect For Everyone; Construction Accident Reduction Emphasis; Coulee Area Regional Employers; Create A Remarkable Experience; Creating Animal Respect Education; California Advocates For Re Entry; Campaign Against Racial Exploitation; Cardiac Awareness Research And Education; Caring Active Relational Evangelizing; Caring And Responsible Encouragers; Caring for Adults Rehabilitation and Enrichment; Certified Atkins Retail Expert; Children Are Reaching Everywhere; Children's Allowable Receipts And Expenses; Choices And Actions Regarding Education; Christian Accountability Recovery And Encouragement; Church Alive Reaching Everyone; Circulation Assimilation Relaxation And Elimination; Citizens Association for Racial Equality; Clients Are Reason To Excel; Collaborations Accreditation Retention And Efficiency; Collecting And Redeeming For Education; Comics Are Required Entertainment; Committee For Alternative Revenues For Education; Committee on American Relief in Europe; Community Alliance And Resource For Employers; Compassionate American Relief Efforts; Computer Aided Regulation Engineering; Computer Assistance Resource Exchange; Computer Assisted Refinement Engineering; Concerned About Reaching Everyone; Consistently And Relentlessly Empowering; Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere; Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.; Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (Vladimir71); Copy Availability Resource And Exchange; Counseling Advisement Referral And Evaluation; Court Assisted Recovery Effort; Courtesy Accessibility Responsiveness And Effectiveness; Courtesy And Respect Empower; Courtesy Appreciation Respect And Enthusiasm; Crisis Alternative Resources Education; Customer Assistance And Relief Effort; Customers Analyze Respond And Evaluate
abbr., auto. corporate average regulated emission
abbr., avia. cargo compartment light; cargo door light; common Airbus requirement engineering; computer aided reliability estimation; computer aided reliability evaluation; continuing airframe-health review and evaluation; critical action request expedite
abbr., avia., med. coronary artery risk evaluation
abbr., ed. Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively; Cooperative Agencies Resources For Education
abbr., ed., scient. Communication Action Research And Evaluation
abbr., el. customer automatic relay and exchange
abbr., IT Computer Aided Re Engineering; computer-aided reusable engineering; Computer Aided Reengineering; Computer Aided Reverse Engineering
abbr., law Child Abuse Reduction Effort; Child Abuse Research Education; Combined Accident Reduction Effort; Concerned About Rape Education
abbr., med. Cardiac Arrhythmias Research And Education; Cardiac Arrhythmias Research And Education Foundation; Childhood Asthma Research And Education; Clinical Assessment Of The Reliability Of The Examination; Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere; Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act; Child & Adolescent Resources & Education; Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation
abbr., mil., avia. continuous aircraft reliability evaluation
abbr., oil Conservation Award for Respecting the Environment
abbr., oncol. cancer recognition (Игорь_2006)
abbr., oncol., med. Cancer Awareness Resource Environment
abbr., physiol. Comprehensive Advanced Recovery Education
abbr., psychiat. Comprehensive Assesment and Referral Evaluation
abbr., relig. Christian Action Research And Education; Christians Actively Reaching Everyone
tech. computer-aided reliability estimation
Care [keə] abbr.
abbr., relig., lat. K. (Cams, Cara, "dear one")
CARE [keə] abbr.
abbr. common application repository and environment
abbr., earth.sc. calcium and rare earths; conference of applied rock engineering
abbr., oil capillary and resistivity equilibrium (method); computer-aided reliability evaluation
abbr., space cause and removal errors
care: 3 phrases in 2 subjects