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camouflage ['kæməflɑ:ʒ] n
gen. 目くらまし; 目眩まし; 目眩し
construct. カムフラージュ (kamufurāju); 迷彩 (meisai)
n vs camouflage | n vs ['kæməflɑ:ʒ] n
gen. カモフラージ gai1; カモフラージュ; カムフラージュ (kamufurāju); 偽装 ichi1 news1 nf20 (ぎそう); 擬装 ichi1
n camouflage | n ['kæməflɑ:ʒ] n
gen. 保護色 (hogoshoku); 迷彩 news2 nf30 spec2 (meisai); 隠蔽色 (いんぺいしょく)
n adj-no camouflage | n adj-no ['kæməflɑ:ʒ] n
gen. 擬態 (gitai)
 English thesaurus
camouflage ['kæməflɑ:ʒ] n
mil. concealment and deception
mil., abbr. cam; cmf
mil., logist. Action aiming at protecting personnel, material, facilities, activities and all types of information from the enemy’s investigations. 2. The use of natural or artificial material on personnel, objects or tactical positions with the aim of confusing, misleading or evading the enemy. (FRA)
tech., abbr. camof