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conjunction | abbreviation
but [bʌt] conj.
gen. より ichi1; ichi1; ichi1 news1 nf16; (あだ); ; ; でさえ spec1; ですら
inf. だって ichi1; よりか; よか
conj but | conj [bʌt] conj.
gen. でも spec1; その代り (on the other hand); その代わり (on the other hand); それより spec1; だが spec1; ですが spec1; なれど; ばってん
obs. なれども
conj uk but | conj uk [bʌt] conj.
gen. 然るに; 而るに; 其れでも ichi1 (still); 但し ichi1; 然し ichi1; 併し ichi1; 然りとて
conj prt but | conj prt [bʌt] conj.
gen. けど spec1; けれども ichi1 spec1; けれど ichi1; けども; けんど; ものを usu. at sentence end
prt conj but | prt conj [bʌt] conj.
gen. spec1
exp conj but | exp conj [bʌt] conj.
gen. がしかし
adj-f adv but | adj-f adv [bʌt] conj.
gen. たった ichi1
exp but | exp [bʌt] conj.
gen. ならでは
exp .. but | exp conj.
gen. 候所
prt but | prt [bʌt] conj.
gen. ものの spec1
 English thesaurus
BUT [bʌt] abbr.
abbr. break-up time (MichaelBurov); Broadband Unbalanced Transformer; Board of Trade unit
abbr., avia. Burtonwood, England, UK
abbr., busin. butter
abbr., dril. button
abbr., ed., scient. Brno University of Technology
abbr., el. balanced-to-unbalanced transformer; board under test
abbr., file.ext. Button definitions (Buttons!)
abbr., IT Button definitions
abbr., med. tear breakup time (время разрыва слезной пленки Dimpassy)
mil. basic unit training
but [bʌt] abbr.
abbr., construct. buttress
but. abbr.
abbr. button
abbr., med., lat. butyrum
abbr., tech. buttress
BUT [bʌt] abbr.
abbr., med. Buttonwillow