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brilliance ['brɪlɪəns] n
tech. ブリリアンス
n brilliance | n ['brɪlɪəns] n
gen. 輝き news1 nf14; 赫き; 耀き; 光彩 news2 nf46 spec2; 光沢 news1 nf19 (kōtaku); 英才 news2 nf33; 穎才; 鋭才; 精彩 news1 nf17; 生彩 esp. 精彩; 輝輝; 輝々
n vs brilliance | n vs ['brɪlɪəns] n
gen. 煥発
 English thesaurus
brilliance ['brɪlɪəns] n
jewl. Relating to, or being a hue that has a strong combination of lightness and strong saturation.